Several changes have taken place on earth after its formation, many negative and positive changes but all ended up creating a habitable environment for the living creatures, it was the man himself who started to think itself as the superior being placing all other creatures under its foot. Now several millennia after the earth's formation, our earth had changed drastically and the change had taken place in a negative aspect. the industrial revolution had helped mankind a lot giving it the infrastructural facilities the advancement in technology to fight health hazards mutual communications and many more, but all these inventions and advancement also created a pressure in the resource chambers of our earth. 

Thousands of years ago when humans changed from hunters-gatherers, living in wilderness areas such as forest and grasslands, into agriculturist and pastoralist, we began to change the environment to suit our own requirements. as our ability to grow food and use domestic animals developed, these 'natural' ecosystems were converted into agricultural lands. 

During the last 200 humanity had seen major changes in the field of healthcare it was important because of the deteriorating quality of earth atmosphere and environment new disease began to erupt worldwide giving to the rise of certain epidemics in some countries. Humanity nearly took thousands of years to reach the mark of 1.0 billion population, but it only took nearly 100-200 years to cross 2 billion mark this was called the population explosion, it took place due to the better healthcare facilities, the rise in the standard of living etc all this due to the industrial population.

Industrial development is aimed at meeting growing demands for all the consumer’s items. However, these consumer goods also generate waste in ever larger quantities. The growth of industrial complexes has also led to a shift of people from their traditional sustainable, rural way of life to urban centers that developed around industries. Urban centers cannot exist with resources such as water from rivers and lakes, food from agricultural areas, domestic animals from pastures land and timber, fuelwood construction materials and other resources from the forest.

 Life on earth would not have been better without the better utilization of resources. The burning of fossil fuels which had now given rise to the global threat of climate changes all over the world, the fact that all the countries around the world are not concerned about this problem of global warming is disturbing. People should form a mutual understanding among themselves to cooperate with the problems of global warming, a single state or country cannot be given the blame for the climate change happening around the world.

               Our earth is changing fast, and there is little being about this thing, our earth is getting heated up slowly from outside by the black smoke coming out from chimney pipes of ‘technologies’. Polar ice caps are melting at an unimaginable rate. If the earth still keeps on heating at this amount then the day soon would come that we start to live in oceans.

 Conservation of resources and better utilization of these non-renewable resources is now the important factor which might save the earth being destroyed faster, for many years we(countries) had blamed one another for the destruction of the environment, many discussions and meeting held but no fruitful results were drawn out. The conservation of energy still lies in the hands of an individual if he/she desires to save the planet earth.
